Drawing on the brightest minds to offer bespoke solutions

What we do

Academic Health Science Systems


The value of Academic Medical Centres as drivers of population health and wealth has long been recognised but their successful development is not easy. Drawing on unparalleled clinical academic expertise and experts in related disciplines from HR to digitalisation, we can assist clients co-develop transformative systems that reflect the local context and their aspirations. From governance arrangements through to tractable research and enterprise strategies and staffing needs, we can help you realise your goals.

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Track Record - Research, Development and Innovation

Western Australia Fund for Health Research and Innovation 

AHS acted as the expert resource to help the Western Australian Government devise a Au$1.2bn sovereign wealth fund to drive highly impactful research and innovation to benefit the health and wealth of the State’s population.

Shenzhen’s Luohu Hospital Group

Following initial advice in 2016 regarding the creation of integrated care arrangements and population cohorts to inform the optimal management of chronic disease AHS is now embarked on the formal review of Shenzhen’s Luohu Hospital Group’s comprehensive integrated care pilot that is in the Vanguard of China’s health reform programme. 

Swansea Bay University Health Board

AHS assisted in the development of an R&D and Innovation Strategy for the Health Board. This work drew on the current position, national and international exemplars and set out opportunities to deploy appropriate governance, as well as create optimal relationships with partner organisations, focus on strengths, create time and rewards for researchers and foster a culture of research and innovation.

Our work was well received by the client, and we will be assisting in workshops with the objective of disseminating the findings to the Health Board’s internal and external stakeholders.

NHS Wales

AHS was asked to review the national and international evidence of best practice in the production and commercialisation of innovation by health services. We created criteria for assessment and sourced key sites for structured interviews. We identified the key factors in successful innovation and developed recommendations for the NHS in Wales.

Our findings and recommendations were incorporated into the Welsh Government’s overall approach to innovation strategy. We presented this work to a range of local and national stakeholders.


Track Record - Health Systems

Cardiff & Vale University Health Board

We have worked on several programmes including:

  • With clinical groups: the co-development of clinical plans for the new University Hospital in Wales, as part of programme business case for the Welsh Government.
  • With more specific clinical groups: service line transformation, using our innovation assessment and system pyramid methodologies. 
  • With the Health Board (in addition to Swansea Bay Health Board): the review and replanning of tertiary services through the preparation, facilitation and conclusion of key stakeholder workshops.
  • With the Health Board and Cardiff University: the envisioning and actioning of a life sciences strategy and development plan for the UHW campus and the wider health and science ecosystem.

The Health Board has adopted our jointly developed recommendations on life sciences development and has begun implementation planning.

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board

AHS supported the Health Board with its population health planning across the following key domains: born well, growing well, living well, aging well, dying well

We collaborated with clinical and leadership groups to understand how and where integrated services should develop and adduced the organisational and clinical pathway implications.

We subsequently worked on elective care recovery, assessing the size of the system challenge and working with clinical and leadership groups on medium term transformation planning.


Track Record - Acute Services

Northern Devon Healthcare Trust and Royal Devon & Exeter 

In the last two years, AHS worked with the Northern Devon Healthcare Trust and, since its merger with the Royal Devon & Exeter, we have supported The Royal Devon University Hospitals.

This has included:

  • co-developing a clinical strategy and service models for the new North Devon Hospital
  • delivering a new clinical strategy for the merged organisation alongside and connected to a new digital strategy
  • focussed work on elderly care services.

Our work has been well received and incorporated into the strategic and outline business case stages of planning for the new North Devon Hospital. The revised strategy for the merged trust has also been well received, with the intention of implementation planning starting in Autumn 2022.

Princess Alexandra Health Trust

AHS worked with clinical groups across urgent care, elective care, diagnostics, rehabilitation and women & children’s services. Our expert-to-expert conversations co-developed plans for new clinical models to be progressively developed, culminating in the service profile for a rebuilt Princess Alexandra Hospital. The conversations extended to the entire health system and local authorities to ensure planning was commensurate with the system outlook and strategy.

Princess Alexandra Health Trust adopted the plans and associated trajectories into its Outline Business Case for the new hospital. It also continues to plan in advance of the new build e.g., in its forthcoming community diagnostic centre.


Track Record - Mental Health / Workforce

Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust

AHS supplied expert mental health advice to BSOL to help clinicians and executives across a range of service analysis and improvement packages. This included working with the analytical work of our contract partner, Grant Thornton, to support clinicians in receiving and interpreting the insights and opportunities for service improvement.

This work continues as more work packages are devised and agreed with the client.

Black Country Mental Health Trust

Similarly, we have supported Black Country in understanding of its demand and capacity position, emphasizing the opportunities to deploy this knowledge in improvement activities through a series of workshops with clinicians and executives.

This work continues as AHS and Black Country work together to convert insights from data into improvement planning and implementation.

Health Education England

AHS undertook two pieces of work for HEE. First, we conducted an analysis of a call for evidence on the factors that would influence future NHS workforce demand and supply. We drew this into key domains and factors and presented this to the HEE Board, as well as a range of stakeholders and expert groups. We were then asked to look at the likely influence of science and technology and how this would change the volume and type of clinical work in the next 10 years. In order to do this, we created a balanced method of enquiry and applied our Ready, Impactful, Adoptable (RIA) assessment methodology to create reasonable indication for HEE.

HEE accepted and, with our involvement, disseminated these findings across its key stakeholders. Our findings now form part of HEE’s further work on workforce planning to be presented to the Health Select Committee early next year.


Track Record

Addressing Global Health Challenges: Antimicrobial Resistance

Working with partner economic consultancy Acil Allen, AHS provided expertise in antimicrobial resistance to assist the Commonwealth Government of Australia determine economic means to incentivise the discovery of novel antibiotics, bring them to market, and avoid their indiscriminate use.


Living in Leeds: A 10 year strategy and business plan for a civic health data cooperative

Living in Leeds is a collaboration between healthcare, academic and civic partners aimed at using health related data to enhance the health of the local population. To build on the initiative’s success in the use of data to benefit an individual citizen’s health, AHS led the development of a new 10-year strategy and associated business plan. The new plan sought to expand the use of data for research and health planning purposes in a safe and publicly acceptable manner to further benefit the health and economy of the people of Leeds.


What we do

How we can support you

We are driven by a strong social purpose - to harness academic and professional excellence around the world to benefit the health and wealth of populations. A goal we achieve through the development and optimisation of academic health science systems worldwide complemented by four other distinct yet interconnected specialist services to support the four-part mission of Research, Enterprise and Innovation, Education and Clinical Service.

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Drawing on unparalleled clinical academic expertise and experts in related disciplines from HR to digitalisation, we can assist clients co-develop transformative systems that reflect the local context and their aspirations. From governance arrangements through to tractable research and enterprise strategies and staffing needs, we can help you realise your goals.


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