Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust
AHS supplied expert mental health advice to BSOL to help clinicians and executives across a range of service analysis and improvement packages. This included working with the analytical work of our contract partner, Grant Thornton, to support clinicians in receiving and interpreting the insights and opportunities for service improvement.
This work continues as more work packages are devised and agreed with the client.
Black Country Mental Health Trust
Similarly, we have supported Black Country in understanding of its demand and capacity position, emphasizing the opportunities to deploy this knowledge in improvement activities through a series of workshops with clinicians and executives.
This work continues as AHS and Black Country work together to convert insights from data into improvement planning and implementation.
Health Education England
AHS undertook two pieces of work for HEE. First, we conducted an analysis of a call for evidence on the factors that would influence future NHS workforce demand and supply. We drew this into key domains and factors and presented this to the HEE Board, as well as a range of stakeholders and expert groups. We were then asked to look at the likely influence of science and technology and how this would change the volume and type of clinical work in the next 10 years. In order to do this, we created a balanced method of enquiry and applied our Ready, Impactful, Adoptable (RIA) assessment methodology to create reasonable indication for HEE.
HEE accepted and, with our involvement, disseminated these findings across its key stakeholders. Our findings now form part of HEE’s further work on workforce planning to be presented to the Health Select Committee early next year.